What do we do?

Finding and maintaining balance in life can often be overwhelming due to many parts of life that seem to be out of our control. Often imbalances form due to chronic pain, mental fatigue, and a general feeling of helplessness – in this we can lose our enthusiasm or drive for aspects of life that we love. Many who have tried traditional methods in the past to correct these imbalances have sought in recent years – with great success – alternative methods such as energetic healing, mindfulness, and bodywork. 

I am a Pagan healer, Massage Therapist, and Mindfulness Coach. I combine the traditional Scandanavian methods of Teutonic Healing, with bodywork, and mindfulness practice to guide clients to the transformation that will aide them on their journey through life and ease them of suffering and pain. 

          The journey is never over, each day is just a new adventure…

Begin your Journey